Winter Reminders

Hello everyone,

With the news of a big snowstorm headed our way, it's a good time to remind everyone of best practices for this Winter.

We recommend that you turn off you water in between visits to your unit(s). This will minimize the risk of the frozen pipes. Wrapping the pipes with heat tape would be an excellent idea as well.

Please let me know as far in advance as possible when you plan to be on the property. This will allow me to prioritize which decks and pathways should be shoveled first. If I don't know you're coming, then I can't guarantee you will be shoveled in time. This includes when realtors are coming to show units to prospective buyers.

Please take extreme caution at all times on the property. The pavement tends to freeze over very easily because of the slope we are on. We do as much as we can with ice chopping and salting, but please be careful. Some areas on decks and in front of garages can get especially slick because of water dripping from the roofs.

Please change out your smoke detector batteries if you have not already done so recently.

Thank you,
